Collection: Gerard Brender à Brandis
Gerard Brender à Brandis (b. 1976)
Gerard Brender à Brandis came to Canada in 1947. His family moved to British Columbia, where his parents attended university. The family later moved to Nova Scotia, where Brandis completed a B.A. in Fine Arts History. He took art classes with his mother during his third year of university and the two held their first exhibition in Burlington the following year. In 1964, Brandis was introduced to wood engraving by his professor, George Wallace, and "within an hour of completing my first block I announced, 'I'm going to be a wood engraver.'" Brandis studied the art with Rosemary Kilbourn. In 1991, by then an established artist, Brandis moved to Stratford, Ontario and opened his house and studio to the public for six months out of the year, where he displayed and sold his artwork.